When you make a choice, there is a path that a product has taken before you decided it was yours to use, eat or purchase. How do you know if it is everything you want it to be?

At OBMWA we only sell products from certified organic and free-range producers because we want to ensure our products are of the highest quality and farmed sustainably and ethically.
We choose to eat organic for the following reasons:
Health Benefits
Organic food is chemical-free making it the purest available.
Environmental factors
Organic food production strictly avoids the use of all synthetic chemicals, it does not pose any risk of soil and underground water contamination like conventional farming which uses tons of artificial fertilisers and pesticides.
Animal welfare is a top priority for certified organic farmer. Certified organic farmers are required to raise animals without the use of antibiotics or synthetic growth hormones. Plus, organic farmers must provide animals with 100% organic feed and safe, clean, cage-free living conditions as checked and defined by a third party body such as DEMETER - Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI) or Southern Cross Certified Australia Pty Ltd (SXC)