OBMWA is pleased to announce that the complete production and distribution chain for all of our goods has been certified organic by Southern Cross. This accomplishment is proof of our dedication to creating premium, organic products and maintaining the highest standards throughout the delivery process.

OBMWA is thrilled to announce that we have gained certified organic status with Southern Cross for the entire delivery and production chain of our products. This achievement is a testament to our commitment to producing high-quality, organic products and ensuring that our delivery and production process adhere to the same standards.
Southern Cross is a leading certification body that provides organic certification for farms, processors, and handlers. Their certification process is rigorous and comprehensive, ensuring that every step of the production process meets the strictest organic standards.
At OBMWA, we have always been committed to using the highest-quality certified organic meat in our products. But gaining certified organic status for our entire delivery chain takes our commitment to the next level. It means that our customers can trust our products are not only made with certified organic ingredients but that they are also packaged, handled and transported in a way that meets the highest organic standards.
OBMWA has always worked with growers who have been certified organic for the life of their animals. However, there were challenges in finding certified organic abattoirs and butchers to do the cutting and packing. It was a long and challenging journey to find the right partners who could help OBMWA maintain its commitment to providing high-quality certified organic meat to its customers.
After a lot of research and hard work, the company was able to find local butchers and processors who were also committed to organic practices. These new partners have helped OBMWA to achieve certification for its entire supply chain. The certification process was rigorous, and the company had to meet strict standards to obtain certification to now be fully certified by Southern Cross across our beef, sheep, pork and chicken products.
We are incredibly proud of this achievement and believe that it sets us apart from other companies in our industry. We are committed to continuing to produce high-quality, organic products and to ensuring that every step of our production process meets the highest standards. With Southern Cross certification, our customers can be confident that they are getting the very best certified organic products available.